Getting Started with Azure Service Bus Emulator

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For years, .NET developers have been asking for a way to run Azure Service Bus locally — without an internet connection, cloud costs, or slow iteration cycles. And now, the wait is finally over! Microsoft has officially released the Azure Service Bus Emulator, a game-changing tool that allows developers to test and debug their applications in a completely local environment.

If you’ve ever struggled with setting up mock environments or relied on third-party alternatives to simulate Service Bus behavior, this release is fresh air. Let’s dive into what the Azure Service Bus Emulator brings and how you can use it today!

What is the Azure Service Bus Emulator?

The Azure Service Bus Emulator is a local development tool that simulates Azure Service Bus functionality. It enables developers to send and receive messages, work with queues and topics, and test their event-driven architectures — all without needing a live Azure subscription.

Microsoft provides the emulator as a Docker container, making it easy to run on Windows, macOS, or Linux. This local-first approach significantly improves development speed and debugging capabilities while reducing cloud dependency.

How to Run Azure Service Bus Emulator


To start the emulator, you have to create three files:

  • config.json
  • docker-compose.yaml
  • .env

You define your Service Bus entities in the config.json file. The sample file is available on GitHub.  

    "UserConfig": {
      "Namespaces": [
          "Name": "sbemulatorns",
          "Queues": [
              "Name": "queue.1",
              "Properties": {
                "DeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration": false,
                "DefaultMessageTimeToLive": "PT1H",
                "DuplicateDetectionHistoryTimeWindow": "PT20S",
                "ForwardDeadLetteredMessagesTo": "",
                "ForwardTo": "",
                "LockDuration": "PT1M",
                "MaxDeliveryCount": 3,
                "RequiresDuplicateDetection": false,
                "RequiresSession": false
          "Topics": [
              "Name": "topic.1",
              "Properties": {
                "DefaultMessageTimeToLive": "PT1H",
                "DuplicateDetectionHistoryTimeWindow": "PT20S",
                "RequiresDuplicateDetection": false
              "Subscriptions": [
                  "Name": "subscription.1",
                  "Properties": {
                    "DeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration": false,
                    "DefaultMessageTimeToLive": "PT1H",
                    "LockDuration": "PT1M",
                    "MaxDeliveryCount": 3,
                    "ForwardDeadLetteredMessagesTo": "",
                    "ForwardTo": "",
                    "RequiresSession": false
                  "Rules": [
                      "Name": "app-prop-filter-1",
                      "Properties": {
                        "FilterType": "Correlation",
                        "CorrelationFilter": {
                       "ContentType": "application/text",
                       "CorrelationId": "id1",
                       "Label": "subject1",
                       "MessageId": "msgid1",
                       "ReplyTo": "someQueue",
                       "ReplyToSessionId": "sessionId",
                       "SessionId": "session1",
                       "To": "xyz"
                  "Name": "subscription.2",
                  "Properties": {
                    "DeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration": false,
                    "DefaultMessageTimeToLive": "PT1H",
                    "LockDuration": "PT1M",
                    "MaxDeliveryCount": 3,
                    "ForwardDeadLetteredMessagesTo": "",
                    "ForwardTo": "",
                    "RequiresSession": false
                  "Rules": [
                      "Name": "user-prop-filter-1",
                      "Properties": {
                        "FilterType": "Correlation",
                        "CorrelationFilter": {
                          "Properties": {
                            "prop1": "value1"
      "Logging": {
        "Type": "File"

To spin up containers for the Service Bus emulator, save the following .yaml file as docker-compose.yaml:

name: microsoft-azure-servicebus-emulator
    container_name: "servicebus-emulator"
    pull_policy: always
      - "${CONFIG_PATH}:/ServiceBus_Emulator/ConfigFiles/Config.json"
      - "5672:5672"
      - "5300:5300"
      SQL_SERVER: sqledge
      MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD: "${SQL_PASSWORD}"  # Password should be same as what is set for SQL Edge  
      SQL_WAIT_INTERVAL: ${SQL_WAIT_INTERVAL} # Optional: Time in seconds to wait for SQL to be ready (default is 15 seconds)
      - sqledge
          - "sb-emulator"
        container_name: "sqledge"
        image: ""
              - "sqledge"


As you can see, it spins up two containers:

  • servicebus-emulator
  • azure-sql-edge

The Emulator’s default port is 5672. If you want to change it, make sure you change it everywhere in the .yaml file. 

The .yaml file contains three variables. Let’s create a .env file to define those environment variables:

  1.  CONFIG_PATH is a path to your config.json file.
  2. ACCEPT_EULA – put Y to accept license terms.
  3. MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD – the password for azure-sql-edge container. Create your password following these policies

The .env file must be in the same folder as a docker-compose file. 

# Environment file for user defined variables in docker-compose.yml

# 1. CONFIG_PATH: Path to Config.json file

# 2. ACCEPT_EULA: Pass 'Y' to accept license terms for Azure SQL Edge and Azure Service Bus emulator.
# Service Bus emulator EULA :
# SQL Edge EULA :

# 3. MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD to be filled by user as per policy

Then, you need to run a docker-compose command:

docker compose -f <pathtodockercomposefile> up -d

And you’ll see the running containers:

Automated script

There is a second option when you don’t need to create files. You can run the automated script to spin up the service bus emulator.

Clone the Service Bus Emulator Installer repository. 

Go to the Scripts folder, where you can find automated scripts for different operating systems.

For example, for Windows run ./Launchemulator.ps1 script.  

You’ll be asked to accept the End User License Agreement and provide the SQL password. 

Connection String

To connect to the Service Bus Emulator on the local machine, use the following connection string:


The important is the UseDevelopmentEmulator=true setting.


Of course, the Service Bus Emulator is not a real Service Bus service. It has some limitations:

  • It can’t stream messages by using the JMS protocol.
  • Partitioned entities aren’t compatible with Emulator.
  • It doesn’t support on-the-fly management operations through a client-side SDK.
  • It doesn’t support Cloud features like autoscale or geo-disaster recovery capabilities, etc. 
  • It has a limit of 1 namespace and 50 queues/topics. 

More limitations can be found in the Overview of the Azure Service Bus Emulator


Microsoft has finally delivered a tool that .NET developers have been requesting for years. The Azure Service Bus Emulator eliminates unnecessary cloud costs, speeds up development, and makes local testing easier than ever.

By the way, if you use TestContainers, there is already Azure Service Bus module there. 

So, what are you waiting for? Pull the image, start the emulator, and level up your .NET development workflow today! ðŸš€

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